Post by bplus on May 19, 2021 11:25:20 GMT -5
Had breakthrough last night with Pool Game. Thanks to link to collision paper OldMoses posted at QB64 Forum. I managed to get shooting action that is really nice, I can actually run balls! I can't smash into a bunch like one does for 8 or 9 ball breaks but if you can break like you are playing straight pool works without hanging from too many collisions.
WIP plan to add alternate break routine for smashing into rack and a way to count and save best runs like practice for a straight pool game.
Attached is snap of my hand drawn table and rack ready for first break.
Option _Explicit
_Title "Pool v1 restart" ' b+ restart 2021-05-17
'QB64 version 2017 1106/82 (the day before they switched to version 1.2)
'translated from:
' pool table.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-09-06
' 2021-05-17 fix stuff start with Mouse constantly poll mouse and update shared mouse variables
' add ball collision code most recently worked out.
' Thanks to OldMoses for link to collision paper with vectors.
' bak 2021-05-18 version
Const xmax = 1280
Const ymax = 740
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 80, 0
Randomize Timer
Const topBall = 15
Const BRad = 11 'ball radius 2.25"
Const R22 = BRad * BRad * 4
Const BDia = BRad + BRad
Const tl = 978 'table 100" for 9 foot table, adjust down for pixel ball radius
Const txo = (xmax - tl) * .5 'table x offset from left side of screen
Const tw = 489 'table 50" for 9 foot table, adjust down for pixel ball radius
Const tyo = (ymax - tw) \ 2 ' same border for 1280 wide screen
Const mt = txo + .5 * tl
Const pw = 40 'pockey width less than 2 balls across
Const pr = 20
Const lr = txo
Const rr = txo + tl
Const tr = tyo
Const br = tyo + tw
Const backColr = _RGB32(0, 94, 62)
Type Ball
As Double x, y
As Double dx, dy, s, z ' dx, dy = change x, y axis
As _Unsigned Long colr
End Type
Dim Shared holeX(1 To 6), holeY(1 To 6)
Dim Shared b(topBall) As Ball, nf(topBall) As Ball
Dim Shared rack(topBall, 2)
Dim Shared mx, my, mb1DownX, mb1DownY, mb1UpX, mb1UpY, oldmb1 ' mouse event stuff
Dim Shared As Long TableImg
Dim Shared As Long scratch ' set in getting pocket list main, reset in BallInHand
Dim Shared As Long BallRemains ' still a ball not pocketed
Dim As Long i, j, saveJ, notDone
Dim As Double cd, dx, dy
Dim pocketed$ 'list balls that have been pocketed
Dim v1$, v2$, dv1$, dv2$, dv1u$, dv2u$, norm$, unitNorm$, unitTan$ 'vectors
Dim vp1n$, vp1t$, vp2n$, vp2t$ ' post collision vectors
Dim As Double v1n, v1t, v2n, v2t ' dot products
Dim As Double vp1n, vp1t, vp2n, vp2t ' post collision dot products
Dim pollTime
pollTime = _FreeTimer 'get a timer number from _FREETIMER ONLY!
On Timer(pollTime, .05) PollMouse
Timer(pollTime) On
' signal no button locations registered yet
mb1DownX = -1
mb1DownY = -1
mb1UpX = -1
mb1UpY = -1
While 1
If scratch Then BallInHand
'get speed of cue how much do I need?
notDone = 1
While notDone
_PutImage , TableImg, 0
CP 1, "Watch Ball Action!"
notDone = 0
For i = 0 To topBall ' draw balls then update for next frame
'Locate 1, 1: Print i, b(i).dx, b(i).dy, "zzz "
'Dim w$
'Input "enter... "; w$
' this just draw the balls with arrows pointing to their headings
If b(i).x <> -1000 Then drawball i
CP 45, "Pocketed: " + pocketed$
_Limit 30
For i = 0 To topBall
' check for collision
cd = 100000: saveJ = 0
For j = 0 To topBall 'find deepest collision in case more than one we want earliest = deepest penetration
If i <> j And b(i).x <> -1000 Then
dx = b(i).x - b(j).x: dy = b(i).y - b(j).y
If dx * dx + dy * dy <= R22 Then ' collision but is it first or deepest collision
If R22 - dx * dx + dy * dy < cd Then cd = R22 - dx * dx + dy * dy: saveJ = j
End If
End If
If cd <> 100000 Then ' found collision change ball i dx, dy calc new course for ball i
''reflection from circle using Vectors from JB, thanks tsh73
v1$ = vect$(b(i).x, b(i).y) ' circle i
v2$ = vect$(b(saveJ).x, b(saveJ).y) ' the other circle j
dv1$ = vect$(b(i).dx, b(i).dy) ' change in velocity vector
dv2$ = vect$(b(saveJ).dx, b(saveJ).dy)
dv1u$ = vectUnit$(dv1$) '1 pixel
dv2u$ = vectUnit$(dv2$)
'Print dv$, cv$, dv0$ ' check on things
Do ' this should back up the balls to kiss point thanks tsh73
v1$ = vectSub$(v1$, dv1u$)
v2$ = vectSub(v2$, dv2u$)
Loop While vectLen(vectSub$(v1$, v2$)) < BDia 'back up our circle i to point on kiss
''now, get reflection speed
''radius to radius, norm is
norm$ = vectSub$(v1$, v2$) ' this to this worked without all between from that collision paper
' step 1 unit norm and tangent
unitNorm$ = vectUnit$(norm$)
unitTan$ = vect$(-vectY(unitNorm$), vectX(unitNorm$))
' step 2 v$ and cv$ are 2 ball vectors (locations) done already
' step 3 dot products before collision projecting onto normal and tangent vectors
v1n = vectDotProduct(dv1$, unitNorm$)
v1t = vectDotProduct(dv1$, unitTan$)
v2n = vectDotProduct(dv2$, unitNorm$)
v2t = vectDotProduct(dv2$, unitTan$)
' step 4 simplest post collision dot products
vp1t = v1t
vp2t = v2t
' step 5 simplified by m = 1 for both balls just swap the numbers
vp1n = v2n
vp2n = v1n
' step 6 vp vectors mult the n, t numbers by unit vectors
vp1n$ = vectScale$(vp1n, unitNorm$)
vp1t$ = vectScale$(vp1t, unitTan$)
vp2n$ = vectScale$(vp2n, unitNorm$)
vp2t$ = vectScale$(vp2t, unitTan$)
'step 7 add the 2 vectors n and t
dv1$ = vectAdd$(vp1n$, vp1t$)
' to this now just switch tangent and norm
'dv1$ = vectSub$(vectNorm$(dv1$, norm$), vectTangent$(dv1$, norm$)) 'to this
' store in next frame array
nf(i).dx = vectX(dv1$)
nf(i).dy = vectY(dv1$)
Else ' no collision
nf(i).dx = b(i).dx
nf(i).dy = b(i).dy
End If
'update location of ball next frame
If b(i).x <> -1000 Then
nf(i).x = b(i).x + nf(i).dx
nf(i).y = b(i).y + nf(i).dy
nf(i).x = -1000: nf(i).y = -1000
End If
' check in bounds next frame
If nf(i).x <> -1000 Then
If nf(i).x < lr + BRad Then
If nf(i).y > tr + 28 And nf(i).y < br - 28 Then
nf(i).dx = -nf(i).dx: nf(i).x = lr + BRad
nf(i).x = -1000: nf(i).y = -1000: nf(i).dx = 0: nf(i).dy = 0: GoTo skip 'pocketed
End If
End If
If nf(i).x > rr - BRad Then
If nf(i).y > tr + 28 And nf(i).y < br - 28 Then
nf(i).dx = -nf(i).dx: nf(i).x = rr - BRad
nf(i).x = -1000: nf(i).y = -1000: nf(i).dx = 0: nf(i).dy = 0: GoTo skip 'pocketed
End If
End If
If nf(i).y < tr + BRad Then
If (nf(i).x > lr + 28 And nf(i).x < mt - 40) Or (nf(i).x > mt + 40 And nf(i).x < rr - 28) Then
nf(i).dy = -nf(i).dy: nf(i).y = tr + BRad
nf(i).x = -1000: nf(i).y = -1000: nf(i).dx = 0: nf(i).dy = 0: GoTo skip 'pocketed
End If
End If
If nf(i).y > br - BRad Then
If (nf(i).x > lr + 28 And nf(i).x < mt - 40) Or (nf(i).x > mt + 40 And nf(i).x < rr - 28) Then
nf(i).dy = -nf(i).dy: nf(i).y = br - BRad
nf(i).x = -1000: nf(i).y = -1000: nf(i).dx = 0: nf(i).dy = 0: GoTo skip 'pocketed
End If
End If
End If
''now that we've gone through all old locations update b() with nf() data
pocketed$ = ""
BallRemains = 0
For i = 0 To topBall
b(i).x = nf(i).x: b(i).y = nf(i).y
b(i).dx = .99 * nf(i).dx: b(i).dy = .99 * nf(i).dy
If b(i).dy * b(i).dy + b(i).dx * b(i).dx < .5 Then
b(i).dx = 0: b(i).dy = 0
notDone = 1
End If
If b(i).x = -1000 Then
If i = 0 Then scratch = -1
If Len(pocketed$) Then pocketed$ = pocketed$ + ", " + _Trim$(Str$(i)) Else pocketed$ = _Trim$(Str$(i))
If i <> 0 Then BallRemains = -1
End If
If BallRemains = 0 Then GoTo restart
Function rand% (lo%, hi%)
rand% = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function
Sub getCueBallAngle 'get speed too
Dim As Long i
Dim As Double a
mb1DownX = -1 'reset to catch a down and a up
mb1DownY = -1
mb1UpX = -1
mb1UpY = -1
CP 1, "Click for cue ball angle and speed (= line length)"
'To Do: capture image and redraw
_PutImage , TableImg, 0
CP 1, "Click for cue ball angle and speed (= line length)"
For i = 0 To topBall
drawball i
Dim temp As Long
temp = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32)
_PutImage , 0, temp
While mb1UpX = -1
While mb1DownX = -1
_PutImage , temp, 0
Line (b(0).x, b(0).y)-(mx, my), &HFFFFFFFF
Circle (mx, my), BRad, &HFFFFFFFF
_Limit 200
b(0).s = Sqr((my - b(0).y) ^ 2 + (mx - b(0).x) ^ 2) / 10
If b(0).s < 1 Then b(0).s = 1
If b(0).s > 20 Then b(0).s = 20
a = _Atan2(my - b(0).y, mx - b(0).x)
b(0).dx = b(0).s * Cos(a)
b(0).dy = b(0).s * Sin(a)
_FreeImage temp
End Sub
Sub BallInHand
CP 1, "Ball 'in hand' behind table head line, click place for cue ball."
mb1DownX = -1 'reset to catch a down and a up
mb1DownY = -1
mb1UpX = -1
mb1UpY = -1
While mb1UpX = -1 'wait for click
b(0).x = mx: b(0).y = my ' assign cue ball
drawball 0
scratch = 0
End Sub
Sub eightBallRack
Dim As Double xoff, yoff, spacer, i, b, xx, yy, rndB, saveI
xoff = txo + .25 * tl
yoff = tyo + .5 * tw
spacer = BRad * 2 + 3
b = 1
For xx = 0 To 4
For yy = 0 To xx
b(b).x = xoff - spacer * (xx)
b(b).y = yoff - .5 * spacer * xx + yy * spacer
rack(b, 0) = b(b).x: rack(b, 1) = b(b).y
b = b + 1
Dim shuff(topBall)
For i = 1 To topBall
shuff(i) = i
For i = topBall To 2 Step -1
rndB = rand(1, i)
Swap shuff(i), shuff(rndB)
For i = 1 To topBall
If shuff(i) = 8 Then saveI = i
b(i).z = Rnd * 2 * _Pi
Swap shuff(saveI), shuff(5)
For i = 1 To topBall
b(shuff(i)).x = rack(i, 0)
b(shuff(i)).y = rack(i, 1)
drawball shuff(i)
End Sub
Sub drawTable
Dim As _Unsigned Long bumperColr, feltColr
Dim As Long i, j
Dim As Double tl8
bumperColr = _RGB32(10, 128, 60)
feltColr = _RGB32(0, 118, 50)
holeX(1) = txo - BRad: holeY(1) = tyo - BRad
holeX(2) = txo + tw: holeY(2) = tyo + -1.5 * BRad
holeX(3) = txo + tl + BRad: holeY(3) = tyo - BRad
holeX(4) = txo - BRad: holeY(4) = tyo + tw + BRad
holeX(5) = txo + tw: holeY(5) = tyo + tw + 1.5 * BRad
holeX(6) = txo + tl + BRad: holeY(6) = tyo + tw + BRad
TableImg = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32)
Color &HFF000088, backColr
For i = 60 To 1 Step -1
Line (txo - i, tyo - i)-(rr + i, br + i), _RGB32(100 - .9 * i, 55 - .7 * i, 50 - .5 * i), BF
Line (txo - BRad, tyo - BRad)-(rr + BRad, br + BRad), bumperColr, BF
Color feltColr
Line (txo, tyo)-(rr, br), feltColr, BF
Line (txo + .75 * tl, tyo)-(txo + .75 * tl, tyo + tw), bumperColr
tLine holeX(1), holeY(1), holeX(5), holeY(5), pw - 1 'drill pockets into wood
tLine holeX(2), holeY(2), holeX(4), holeY(4), pw - 1
tLine holeX(2), holeY(2), holeX(6), holeY(6), pw - 1
tLine holeX(5), holeY(5), holeX(3), holeY(3), pw - 1
Line (txo + .75 * tl, tyo)-(txo + .75 * tl, tyo + tw), bumperColr ' foul line
tl8 = tl / 8
For i = 1 To 7
fcirc txo + i * tl8, tyo - 30, 3
fcirc txo + i * tl8, tyo + tw + 30, 3
For i = 1 To 3
fcirc txo - 30, tyo + i * tl8, 3
fcirc txo + tl + 30, tyo + i * tl8, 3
For i = 1 To 6
Color &HFF000000
If i <> 2 And i <> 5 Then
For j = 0 To 7
Select Case i ' move hole to last location
Case 1: fcirc holeX(i) + j, holeY(i) + j, 20
Case 3: fcirc holeX(i) - j, holeY(i) + j, 20
Case 4: fcirc holeX(i) + j, holeY(i) - j, 20
Case 6: fcirc holeX(i) - j, holeY(i) - j, 20
End Select
fcirc holeX(i), holeY(i), 20
End If
'move corner holes
holeX(1) = holeX(1) + 7: holeY(1) = holeY(1) + 7
holeX(3) = holeX(3) - 7: holeY(1) = holeY(3) + 7
holeX(4) = holeX(4) + 7: holeY(1) = holeY(4) - 7
holeX(6) = holeX(6) - 7: holeY(1) = holeY(6) - 7
'aiming diamond
_PutImage , 0, TableImg
End Sub
Sub tLine (x1, y1, x2, y2, rThick)
Dim stepx, stepy, dx, dy
Dim As Long length, i
'x1, y1 is one endpoint of line
'x2, y2 is the other endpoint of the line
'rThick is the radius of the tiny circles that will be drawn
' from one end point to the other to create the thick line
'Yes, the line will then extend beyond the endpoints with circular ends.
'local length, stepx, stepy, dx, dy, i
rThick = Int(rThick / 2): stepx = x2 - x1: stepy = y2 - y1
length = Int((stepx ^ 2 + stepy ^ 2) ^ .5)
If length Then
dx = stepx / length: dy = stepy / length
For i = 0 To length
fcirc x1 + dx * i, y1 + dy * i, rThick
fcirc x1, y1, rThick
End If
End Sub
Sub drawball (idx)
Dim As Long r, g, b, i, ra, x1, y1
Select Case idx
Case 0: r = 125: g = 125: b = 255
Case 1, 9: r = 125: g = 125: b = 0
Case 2, 10: r = 0: g = 0: b = 145
Case 3, 11: r = 145: g = 0: b = 0
Case 4, 12: r = 0: g = 0: b = 50
Case 5, 13: r = 145: g = 75: b = 0
Case 6, 14: r = 0: g = 45: b = 0
Case 7, 15: r = 100: g = 0: b = 80
Case 8: r = 10: g = 10: b = 10
End Select
For i = BRad To 1 Step -1
If idx = 0 Or idx > 8 Then
Color _RGB32(255 - i * 8, 255 - i * 8, 255 - i * 8)
Color _RGB32(r, g, b)
End If
fcirc b(idx).x, b(idx).y, i
If r Then r = r + 7
If g Then g = g + 7
If b Then b = b + 7
If idx > 8 Then
Color _RGB32(r, g, b)
ra = b(idx).z
x1 = b(idx).x + 9 * Cos(ra): y1 = b(idx).y + 9 * Sin(ra)
tLine b(idx).x, b(idx).y, x1, y1, 6
x1 = b(idx).x + 9 * Cos(ra - _Pi): y1 = b(idx).y + 9 * Sin(ra - _Pi)
tLine b(idx).x, b(idx).y, x1, y1, 6
End If
End Sub
Sub CP (lineNumber, mess$)
Dim As Long ttw, tth
ttw = 8: tth = 16
Line (0, tth * lineNumber)-(xmax, tth * lineNumber + tth), backColr, BF
Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(0, 94, 62)
_PrintString ((xmax - ttw * Len(mess$)) / 2, tth * lineNumber), mess$
End Sub
'Steve McNeil's copied from his forum note: Radius is too common a name
Sub fcirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long)
Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
subRadius = Abs(R)
RadiusError = -subRadius
X = subRadius
Y = 0
If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub
' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), , BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), , BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), , BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), , BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), , BF
End Sub
Sub PollMouse ' catch locations of mouse button 1 down and up
' Main code block
'Dim Shared mx, my, mb1DownX, mb1DownY, mb1UpX, mb1UpY, oldmb1
't1 = _FreeTimer 'get a timer number from _FREETIMER ONLY!
'On Timer(t1, .05) PollMouse
'Timer(t1) On
' signal no button locations registered yet
'mb1DownX = -1
'mb1DownY = -1
'mb1UpX = -1
'mb1UpY = -1
Dim As Long mb1
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY: mb1 = _MouseButton(1)
If mb1 And oldmb1 = 0 Then
mb1DownX = mx
mb1DownY = my
'mb1UpX = 0
'mb1UpY = 0
End If
If mb1 = 0 And oldmb1 Then
mb1UpX = mx
mb1UpY = my
'mb1DownX = 0
'mb1DownY = 0
End If
oldmb1 = mb1
End Sub
Function vect$ (x, y) ' convert x, y to string for passing vectors with Functions
vect$ = _Trim$(Str$(x)) + "," + _Trim$(Str$(y))
End Function
Function vectX (v$)
vectX = Val(LeftOf$(v$, ","))
End Function
Function vectY (v$)
vectY = Val(RightOf$(v$, ","))
End Function
Function vectLen (v$)
Dim x, y
x = Val(LeftOf$(v$, ","))
y = Val(RightOf$(v$, ","))
vectLen = Sqr(x * x + y * y)
End Function
Function vectUnit$ (v$)
Dim x, y, vl
x = Val(LeftOf$(v$, ","))
y = Val(RightOf$(v$, ","))
vl = Sqr(x * x + y * y)
vectUnit$ = vect$(x / vl, y / vl)
End Function
Function vectAdd$ (v1$, v2$)
Dim x1, y1, x2, y2
x1 = Val(LeftOf$(v1$, ","))
y1 = Val(RightOf$(v1$, ","))
x2 = Val(LeftOf$(v2$, ","))
y2 = Val(RightOf$(v2$, ","))
vectAdd$ = vect$(x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
End Function
Function vectSub$ (v1$, v2$)
Dim x1, y1, x2, y2
x1 = Val(LeftOf$(v1$, ","))
y1 = Val(RightOf$(v1$, ","))
x2 = Val(LeftOf$(v2$, ","))
y2 = Val(RightOf$(v2$, ","))
vectSub$ = vect$(x1 - x2, y1 - y2)
End Function
Function vectDotProduct (v1$, v2$)
Dim x1, y1, x2, y2
x1 = Val(LeftOf$(v1$, ","))
y1 = Val(RightOf$(v1$, ","))
x2 = Val(LeftOf$(v2$, ","))
y2 = Val(RightOf$(v2$, ","))
vectDotProduct = x1 * x2 + y1 * y2
End Function
Function vectScale$ (a, v$) 'a * vector v$
Dim x, y
x = Val(LeftOf$(v$, ","))
y = Val(RightOf$(v$, ","))
vectScale$ = vect$(a * x, a * y)
End Function
Function vectTangent$ (v$, base$)
Dim n$
n$ = vectUnit$(base$)
vectTangent$ = vectScale$(vectDotProduct(n$, v$), n$)
End Function
Function vectNorm$ (v$, base$)
vectNorm$ = vectSub$(v$, vectTangent$(v$, base$))
End Function
' update these 2 in case of$ is not found! 2021-02-13
Function LeftOf$ (source$, of$)
If InStr(source$, of$) > 0 Then LeftOf$ = Mid$(source$, 1, InStr(source$, of$) - 1) Else LeftOf$ = source$
End Function
' update these 2 in case of$ is not found! 2021-02-13
Function RightOf$ (source$, of$)
If InStr(source$, of$) > 0 Then RightOf$ = Mid$(source$, InStr(source$, of$) + Len(of$)) Else RightOf$ = ""
End Function
WIP plan to add alternate break routine for smashing into rack and a way to count and save best runs like practice for a straight pool game.
Attached is snap of my hand drawn table and rack ready for first break.